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3 Ozone - Oxygen Medicine:

O3 Ozone and the Treatment of Lyme Disease in Humans

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A recent case in treating lyme disease in a 13 year old...

I have taught a young girl, 13 years old, Miss R.S. of Bend, Oregon, to introduce one liter (one quart) of pure ozone (O3), derived electronically from medical oxygen, into her descending colon by means of rectal insufflation.


This was done once daily over a period of one week. Her condition before treatment was alarming because she was in her second month after being bitten by a tick during a Colorado vacation, and all the initial classical Lyme Disease symptoms had indeed manifested in her body despite the recommended oral antibiotic treatment.


Severe pain had her doubled-over constantly, she was unable to walk upright, and was crying with constant pain.






The solution...

After only three days of oxygen medicine treatments, three one-minute ozone (O3) treatments, she walked upright, without pain. Slight recurrences manifested after the fourth day when excessive flatulence and a larger-than-usual meal prevented her from taking the full measure of one liter of the O3 gas rectally via a small catheter.


This disease (Lyme) is a bacterium, a toxic pathogen, introduced into a victim's body through the skin as the result of an insect bite, a deer tick. The symptoms of Lyme Disease appear due to the body's valiant efforts to deal with this toxic overload.


Under normal circumstances I would call it a tall job for the immune system but when this is compromised in any way, even with simple fatigue, then this bacterium easily invades the body - with impunity and with vim and vigour.






My rationale...

In the future, the preferred treatment for Lyme can very well become oxygen medicine in the form of ozone (O3). As I said above, this pathogen-killing gas is produced from medical oxygen and becomes an unstable multi-atomic free oxygen source with the use of a portable electronic cold plasma or corona discharge process.


Taken into the body rectally, ozone (O3) enters the bloodstream via the portal circulatory system, detoxifies the liver and enters the bloodstream. There it oxidizes the bacterium wherever it is found and deactivates it in vivo, in the bloodstream. If we analyze the available literature, we come to the conclusion that, as effective as Ozone is against the tick bacterium, so it is also against cancer, AIDS, hepatitis and most bacterial, fungal and viral conditions. Ozone therapy has been practiced in Europe for the past 40 years with tremendous success and practically NO side effects have been reported. There are many sites on the Internet that show information on this subject.






Further advice...

Aside from Ozone treatments, the better the immune system functions and is able to cope with the morphing toxins, the faster it will be eradicated. It is very much like getting bitten by a snake or getting Salmonella poisoning. After a period of crisis, of disease symptoms, the body goes into a healing crisis, regenerates and heals, if given a chance.


Normally, the various antibodies of a good immune system should be able to cope with this assault but the more run-down one is, the worse one's life style is, the more degenerated the diet is, well, you can image that not much energy and strength is left over to fight tick toxins. So, the cleaner the patient lives, the faster he/she will recuperate and none of those possible repercussions, like heart problems, arthritis etc. need to manifest at all.






Juergen Buche, ND

E-mail me at: drbuche@bigfoot.com


Ref: http://www.oxygentherapyexperts.com/Testimony/Juergen%20Buche,%20ND.htm





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